Don’t Take Them Personally – Non-Personal Awareness

"The NPA process is a beautifully simple way to stop taking stuff personally that has had a profoundly positive impact on 1000's of peoples lives around the world"

Are There Any People In Your Life Who Say Or Do Things That Cause You Stress?

Learn how you can feel clear and centred around them & in emotionally tricky situations

with this quick, simple & powerful non-personal awareness exercise:

Don't Take Them Personally

A Quick, Simple & Powerful Exercise
That Sets You Free...

A Quick Way To Feel Peaceful, Empowered & Free

You've probably heard many a wise person tell you that it’s a good idea to ‘not take things personally’ but, until now, you probably haven’t been given a simple way to do that!

So, I want to invite you to experience it for yourself and I’m offering to give you a quick, simple and powerful NPA exercise called “Don’t Take Them Personally"​

You can use this exercise:

  • When you feel like someone in your life is stressing you out, and you want a quick way to feel peaceful, empowered and free around them.
  • This exercise can really help when you're experiencing someone in your life who you find a challenge to deal with
  • Or if someone has said or done something to you that's caused you stress or pain in any way…

The exercise will help you to find your sense of inner freedom, so you can take outer action that's much more centred, wholesome, less defensive, more constructive, less emotionally reactive and, bottom line, supports you in feeling clear and more connected to yourself.

Just click the button and enter your first name and your primary email address, so I can send you this simple, powerful exercise and get you feeling clearer right away. So, go ahead, click the big green button, enter your details, do it now, and I will see you on the next page​...

Click The Button & Get Access To The NPA (non-personal awareness) Exercise: "Don't Take Them Personally"

Here's what some AMAZING people have said about Joel...

Teresa de Grosbois Chair, The Evolutionary Business Council

Joel is a top notch speaker and trainer who is passionate about helping others achieve higher levels of success

Brandon Bays Author of the worldwide bestselling​ book "The Journey"

Joel is the best therapists in the northern hemisphere

Nick Williams Author of the bestselling​ book "The Life Your Were Born To Live"

Joel is a great guy dedicated to service and cares about helping people liberate themselves so they can be their best selves.

Here's some unsolicited feedback about the "Don't Take Them Personally" exercise...

Ankie de Vert The Netherlands

What a beautiful and special gift this exercise! So grateful for it.. and just at the right time of course... although I didn't even realise that until I started the exercise :-) I worked on my x-boyfriend; it's almost a year since I've seen him and chances are we'll meet again in Amsterdam which did bring up some tension..

Tears came up even before starting to speak out the sentences... There was a deep shift taking place and I felt his soul-energy again.. it's so beautiful to experience the emotions falling away - the field is literally been cleared... and what remains is Love, simple unattached Love on soul-level for who we are..

The thought of you arose and I felt so much gratitude towards you for sending this beautiful gift ! And again.. the soul-connection.. Thank you for simply being who you are, for simply being there and for everything you so generously share!

Click The Button & Get Access To The "Don't Take Them Personally" Exercise