What, Who, When, Where, Why?
This page gives you an opportunity to find out a little more about NPA, it's history and the man behind it all.
The NPA Process
Often referred to simply as NPA
The NPA Process is a beautifully simple and amazingly powerful technique for letting go of blocks and living your dreams. On a practical level, it's a 6 line, spoken-word transformational tool that helps you stop taking things personally.
Joel Young, the Creator of NPA explains: "It may not be your first thought, but I have come to realise that the mechanism of ‘taking stuff personally’ is responsible for a huge amount of unnecessary suffering… And when you learn how to reverse that mechanism it will bring you a huge amount of relief"
The impact of applying NPA is phenomenal. People are reporting huge shifts in consciousness, allowing them to experience relief and flow where they have been blocked for years, and an opening to allow their dreams to finally manifest.
NPA is a very 21st Century approach which 'shines the light' from a new angle, and meets today's 'problem' energies with the speed, simplicity & flexibility they are calling for.
Beyond the initial 6-line NPA Process, Joel has developed upwards of 20 advanced NPA Frames. These are situation specific techniques that use The NPA Process as their engine and employ amazing additional non-personal technologies. Joel continues to add to these technologies and together they form the body of the non-personal approach.
You can read some testimonials HERE

The Non-Personal Nature of Reality (A little brain food)

Joel Young
The Creator & Custodian of NPA
Joel is a Visionary Leader in the field of Human Consciousness and a genuine 21st Century Heretic, with over 20 years experience of healing & teaching internationally. In his inspiring talks and seminars, Joel shares the NPA Process and its message, asking you: "Are you ready for profound positive change that comes this easy?"
Joel describes how in January 2006 he ‘disappeared’ in a cave in India, and in January 2007 he received a revelation in answer to a prayer. He was ‘given’ a simple process, and a profound understanding to share.
He called this revelation: "Non-Personal Awareness"
He called the process: "The NPA Process"
And he called the understanding: "The Tri-Fold Message"
The simplicity of the process belied its power and the profundity of the message is expanding through Consciousness, and the Global Community.
In just a few years Joel has seen NPA spread to over 18 countries and has recently started adding Certified NPA Teachers into the fold.
Joel is renowned for his combination of skill, compassion and creativity. His understanding of human dynamics, his emotional fluency and his open, gentle-yet-firm approach to his work, make him a perfect guide for you, if you're looking to make a significant difference to the quality of your life experience.
You can find out about Joel's amazing 1:1 sessions HERE
The Birth of NPA
In this video, creator & custodian of NPA, Joel Young, tells the inspiring story of how The NPA Process was born in answer to a prayer, and literally 'popped out' of him. (in under 2mins)
Company Contact Details
The NPA Expansive Weekend: Please see local contact details on bookings page
General PR, Media & Event Enquiries:
Contact Joel Young via joel@nonpersonalawareness.com
1-to-1 Session Enquiries: Joel Young Originator of NPA joel@nonpersonalawareness.com, +44-(0)7950 196676
Postal: 26 Clitheroe Street, Skipton, N Yorkshire, BD23 1SU
References: Read some references & recommendations for Joel's work HERE
Where Can I Get More NPA?
You'll find a selection of great products and events in The NPA Shop. We suggest you start with NPA: The Bridge (our comprehensive audio programme)
This section outlines the strict rules, boundaries, guidelines and legal matters pertaining to the use of and sharing of the NPA Process and all other works, including but not limited to, documents, online content, voice recordings and guidance tools by Joel Young. The intention is to bring clarity in supporting the sharing and spread of NPA and Non-Personal Awareness with integrity and to clearly identify/outlay the lines between sharing, teaching and practicing NPA with others.
- The NPA Process and Non-Personal Awareness are © Joel Young | NPA Central
- You can share the NPA Process (subject to meeting the conditions) but you cannot teach it unless you are a Certified NPA Practitioner.
- You can use the NPA Process with friends, family and clients but you cannot use titles (or imply) that you are an NPA Practitioner/Therapists/Coach etc unless you are a Certified NPA Practitioner (Programme launching late 2020).
- Any income generated from NPA is subject to conditions, licences and agreements with Joel Young | NPA Central.
- Liability arising from any use of or sharing of the NPA Process rest solely with you.
- By using or sharing the NPA Process you are legally agreeing to these terms.
You can share the NPA Process (subject to meeting the following conditions):
Any sharing of the NPA Process must be accompanied with the correct copyright statement and a link back to the NPA Website: www.JoelYoungNPA.com and/or www.TheNPAacademy.com.
Ideally, if you are sharing the process you would actively encourage people to come to the NPA Website and get training directly from the source (www.JoelYoungNPA.com).
If you are sharing in a video/audio, you must ensure that the link back URL’s are mentioned and written in the description. Wherever possible links should be live/clickable. For example, use the link in the YouTube description or FB Live description, formatted in a way that it becomes active on publishing. Refer to the link in the video.
You cannot teach the NPA Process unless you are a Certified NPA Teacher
Please note that only Certified Teachers are permitted to TEACH NPA.
The teaching of the NPA Process; claiming to be a teacher of the NPA Process, or implying that you are qualified to teach the NPA Process is strictly forbidden. Certified NPA Teachers have been through extensive training with Joel Young and have a licence along with financial obligations to NPA from their NPA teaching activities.
Sharing vs Teaching
An example of sharing:
I’d really like to tell you about a process I love; here are my experiences with it, here’s what it did for me/my friends/family/clients. If you would like to experience these kind of results with my help you can visit my appointments page. If you’d like to learn more about the process itself visit www.JoelYoungNPA.com or you can download the process for free at https://www.thenpaacademy.com/npa-process-sheet.
An example of teaching:
I’d really like to tell you about a process I love called NPA. I’m going to tell you (teach you) how you can do it for yourself and walk you step by step through the process. Here are my opinions about the best way to do it.
Putting the NPA Process behind an opt-in
This is strictly forbidden unless you have prior, written consent from Joel Young/NPA (see below):
Please direct people to download the NPA Process via the NPA website: www.JoelYoungNPA.com
Direct opt-in page: https://www.thenpaacademy.com/npa-process-sheet.
Getting Permission:
You may seek permission to share NPA in this way. You must gain written permission before doing this. Permission is granted on a case-by-case basis by Joel Young/NPA Central and is at his discretion. Joel Young/NPA’s decision is final. Joel Young/NPA Central reserve the right to revoke permission at any time.
Guidelines for Seeking Permission:
- Successful applicants will have invested significantly in NPA trainings.
- All content (in entirety) which goes out behind the opt-in will be submitted for approval prior to it going live.
- NPA copyright statements and live links will be included.
- There will be a clear indication of the level of training you have undergone, including with whom.
- Preferably there will be encouragement to take up further training via Joel Young/NPA Central programmes (with links).
- Applicant will disclose their intentions for sharing the NPA Process specifically.
You can use the NPA Process for yourself, with friends, family and clients at your discretion.
Using the NPA Process with Clients:
If you are an existing coach/healer or 1:1 practitioner with an existing practice then you may include NPA in your ‘toolbox’ in service to clients. Joel Young/NPA Central require no remuneration for granting use of the technology in this way, at this time. Note that liability for using NPA in this way rests solely and exclusively with you.
However, you cannot use titles (or imply) that you are an NPA Practitioner/Therapists/Coach etc unless you are a Certified NPA Practitioner, having completed and passed the NPA Practitioner Certification Programme (launching late 2020).
Making money from NPA via paid programmes and offerings without prior written approval/agreement infringes copyright laws and will be subject to legal action. The only exception to this is when using NPA in a paid one-to-one setting, subject to the conditions above.
Licences, remuneration agreements and permissions may be granted in some cases. Please note that you cannot teach NPA unless you are a Certified NPA Teacher, having completed the NPA Teacher Training and continuing to meet the ongoing criteria.
Where permission is generally granted:
If you have a paid programme that has a list of recommended tools/resources and you wish to include NPA, then as long as you adhere to the sharing conditions and follow the opt-in guidelines, then permission is generally given.
Paid offerings/programmes based around (or leading with) NPA:
This requires prior written consent and will be subject to licencing and financial remuneration agreements being in place. Consent is at the discretion of Joel Young/NPA Central.
- NPA for X (manifestation/emotional issue etc)
- NPA Support Group/Membership
Please note that this is not predicated entirely on the programme/offering name but the intention and actual use of NPA in these settings. So, a programme named ‘Manifesting Your Dreams’ which uses NPA as the core transformation tool/approach falls under these conditions of use, even though it does not use NPA in the name.
Please note: any liability arising from any use of or sharing of the NPA Process is entirely and solely your responsibility.
The NPA logo and all associated branding is strictly the copyright of Joel Young/NPA Central.
Permission to use the logo is given under the following conditions only:
- Where distinct prior written permission has been granted by Joel Young/NPA Central e.g., Certified NPA Practitioners, radio shows and all other promotional items relating to speaking functions/events, etc.
- The NPA logo can be used when sharing NPA, so long as the logo image is linked back to the NPA Website and follows your general branding – distinction should be made and obvious so as not to imply a direct communication from NPA).
- All sharing conditions are met.
You strictly cannot:
- Imply affiliation with Joel Young/NPA Central without prior written consent.
- Brand any materials as NPA – you must use your own personal branding and then include the NPA logo beneath your branding in order to keep the distinction.
‘Non-Personal Awareness’ is copyright Joel Young/NPA Central.
Sharing and use of Non-Personal Awareness beyond the NPA Process, including the philosophies, underlying technologies, NPA Frames etc is strictly by prior written consent only.
The term ‘Non-Personal Awareness’ itself may be used in accordance with the sharing guidelines for the NPA Process.
If you have any questions, need further information, or would like to apply for permissions, email joel@nonpersonalawareness.com